Arbitration Advantages
Arbitrators are independent decision-makers, appointed by contract to settle a dispute.
Reasons to arbitrate your Albertan family law matter:
- Faster. Have your dispute resolved in months, rather than a years-long court process. Resolving your separation sooner will put your conflict in the past. Emergencies can be addressed even sooner.
- Easier and Flexible. Arbitrations are usually more relaxed and informal than court, which can reduce your stress, and arrive at a resolution much more efficiently than court. The arbitrator will explain the process to you, and the process can be adjusted based on the circumstances, rather than having to know hundreds of court rules. This is usually addressed at an initial conference call or meeting.
- Affordable. Although spouses typically share the cost of the arbitrator, the flexibility of the arbitration process and advantage of an arbitrator experienced in family law can result in significantly lower legal fees compared to court. The speed of resolution also means less time with expensive court applications for temporary orders while waiting for trial. Arbitrators can explain what information is needed.
- Experience and Consistency. You can choose your arbitrator. Arbitrators with experience in family law can craft fair and complete decisions. Some family law arbitrators have additional experience in fields such as addressing parenting, businesses, farms, or tax issues. If you instead choose court, you won't know until the hearing if your judge ever practiced family law. You won't be in front of a new judge each time, having to explain the same backgrounds facts repeatedly.
- Private. Arbitrations typically occur in your arbitrator's boardroom, not in a publicly-accessible courtroom with many people listening in.
Find a Divorce Arbitrator By Municipality
Our Directory lists Alberta's family law lawyers who are known to arbitrate. These family law arbitrators are also some of Alberta's best divorce lawyers, located in Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge, Red Deer, Lloydminster, Medicine Hat, Fort McMurray, Okotoks and Black Diamond, Saskatoon, Sherwood Park, and St. Albert.
Arbitrators: looking to be included in our Directory? Sign-up through FamilyCounsel.ca

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DISCLAIMER: The information herein is not legal advice or opinions. This website is merely a directory of arbitrators with general information. This website, Kenneth J. Proudman, and BARR LLP are not responsible for the actions or omissions of the lawyers listed in its directory. By using this website, you agree to release the Kenneth J. Proudman, BARR LLP, their partners, agents, and employees from all present and future claims and liability, including liability arising from any negligence.